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Here is where you'll find the inside scoop about what's going on inside those rehab centers that are treating our oh-so-favorite celebs. You know you love this gossip. Get ready to feed your addiction while you read about the addictions of others!


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tiger Woods Has Been Driven Way Past the Tee

So as some of you may recall, back in 2009/2010 Tiger Woods partook in a number of extramarital affairs. I think by the end of it all he admitted to sleeping with 16 (or some other absurd number) different women. Mr. Woods even checked into a rehab center for sex addiction. Way to come to terms with your eff up, Tiger!
Well, here he is at 57 and his cheating tendencies have returned! So he has been returned to rehab! However, this is a quite different rehab, a very special rehab. Conveniently enough for Tiger Woods, a new rehabilitation center that specializes in sex addiction has opened up right in the middle of Zeusyla! For those of you who are not yet familiar, Zeusyla is in an entirely different galaxy, far, far away.
This time, Tiger (and his Wood) decided to become involved with another 15 women who are half his age. Jesus, is being married to a gorgeous ex-supermodel not good enough? Huh, Tiger? So we can expect Tiger Woods to remain at Zeusyla's first and only rehab center for the next 90 days because this addiction is just out of control. You'd think that after being dropped from the PGA Pro Tour and being dropped from all sponsorship except for that of Preparation H, you'd want to make some major changes in your life.
Keep it in your pants for good, Tiger, and come on back to the Milky Way!

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